From Vertical to Alpha finishing in Beta

We began developing the vertical slice individually, where each member had to present a video game project that would be judged by a panel of teachers/professionals in the video game industry.

Our main challenge was the lack of clear ideas, which resulted in most of our initial proposals being rejected. Therefore, we decided to start a new project from scratch, knowing that we would have to work twice or even three times as hard as other teams to create something decent that would allow us to continue with the idea. This is how the main idea of "Bouba The Lost Colors" was born.

The premise was simple: a platform and puzzle video game where the protagonist is a rabbit named Bouba, who gains specific powers based on the color he is painted.

Blue: Allows Bouba to pass through all blue-colored obstacles.

Green: Enables Bouba to pick up green-colored boxes.

Red: Allows Bouba to use red-colored trampolines to reach previously inaccessible surfaces.

However, developing solid mechanics and gameplay was not an easy task, and we made several mistakes along the way. Our main mistake was a lack of communication within the team, where artists worked on their tasks while programmers focused on programming, resulting in surprises as the project progressed, such as programmed mechanics that were eventually discarded in future versions. We also faced challenges when presenting group work, which hindered our ability to work separately on different parts.

It was only during the Alpha stage that we decided to take the bull by the horns and devote more time to the project, with meetings lasting for days solely to improve the art, game design, and level design aspects.

Despite the challenges, we managed to produce a good product by putting in a lot of effort and hard work. By the time the Beta arrived, it was evident that the change in attitude, listening to feedback, and applying it, coupled with good faith and continuous effort, had paid off, with the only area requiring improvement being the difficulty curve.

Our ultimate goal for the final release is to deliver the best possible version of our beloved game, so that anyone who wants to try it can do so and have a great gameplay experience.


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